Sunday, 20 July 2014

THE Bucket List


I have a list of things I want to do before I... pass over to the other side? Is that the nicest way of saying it? I'm not sure. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I have a bit of bucket list. Things that I want to do before I die. It's not something I've ever properly written down or anything; they're just things that, somewhere along my way in life, I've thought "I have to do that someday!"

I've decided that it's maybe time I actually wrote them down, though... Or some of them, at least. This way, not only can I never forget if my clumsiness leaves me with amnesia, but there will be people to remind me that I made this list and never to give up on it. Here are a few of them.

Publish a novel!
This one is something I have always wanted to do. As in, my whole life. Ever since I was just little. I've always wanted to have my own writing published. Therefore, it's a goal that I really, really, really, really, really want to achieve before I die! Like, seriously. Publish a novel. I have to do that.

And there's my bucket list over! Thanks for reading! Jokes. Don't stop reading yet! I was joking! Promise. I have just a few more.

This is going to sound like such a silly one but, I want to get a tattoo.
I know what you're probably all thinking, if I want a tattoo, I'm old enough, I should just go get one. It's not that easy though. No one in my family has a tattoo. Nor are they very open to them. Even my brother, who was always the rebel child when he was younger, never came home with a tattoo. It's something that I really want to do but I feel like I would feel a lot better and a lot more confident about it if I had my family's approval. So I guess this one's more of a "get my family's approval for a tattoo" goal, than actually getting the tattoo.

Own my own house/apartment.
This is such a stereotypical one, I know, but it's something I really want some day. I would just love to have a place that I could call mine and could decorate however I want... In fact it's the decorating and buying little, unique things for it that really gets me about this one. I love going into shops and looking at all the cute home decor and picking which bits I would have if I was furnishing and embellishing my own wee abode! So if someone would like to give me a limitless amount of money for when I decide to tick this one off my list, that would be great! No? Oh. Okay then...

Obviously I travel, I did a post (HERE) about going on holiday to Turkey with my mama last month and I loved every minute of it, but I want to travel more. I'm sure that sounds really greedy but the majority of my life we have gone to Turkey because my step-dad's family live there, and I always want to go some place different. I would love to go to Australia (bucket-list typical, I realise) or, more than anything, I want to go to New York. A lot of my friends have been there or are going there and they're very fond of telling me what an amazing place it is. So, I want to visit the Big Apple, Concrete Jungle, The City That Never Sleeps, New York - I want to go there soooo bad.

I want my own family, like most people, but this one is more about the incredible family that I already have. They're always there for me and support me in everything I need and do, so I want to be able to give back to them. All sentimental and soppy of me, I know, but I really do want to be able to do for them what they've done for me one day. Okay, mushiness over.

So there are five things I want to make sure I try my hardest to do before I die. I'll probably have forgotten half of them before tomorrow but then they'll come back to me eventually, they always do. Or, now I can just look here and remember them - perfect!

Katie x


  1. This is literally the same as my own bucket list lol

    1. Thank goodness I'm not the only one with a bit of a random bucket list! Haha x

  2. Aw, I tried to post a comment but some reason it got deleted! :(

    I totally get you on some things, especially the tattoo one. I always wanted a tattoo but knew my parents would never agree, no matter how small. So when I turned 18 or 19, I ended up going and getting one anyway. They still have no idea that I have it!

    Having your own apartment is definitely very exciting but hard as well. You don't realize just how much you need to do to keep it clean and just how much everything costs.

    As for the novel, I believe there are websites where you can post your writing/story and other people read it and give you feedback, so that way you know if the characters you are writing about are developing the way you want them to.

    Good luck with your list!!

    Ree //

    1. I would still really love a tattoo but it would have to be something sentimental or of importance to me I think, especially when it would be inked on my skin forever. I'm just not sure where I would get it that would be discreet enough! Well done for managing to keep it hidden for so long though!

      A couple of my friends and I are moving into our own place next year and, not going to lie, the idea of it scares me a little. It's a lot different to living at home and uni halls and there are definitely a lot more responsibilities that you have to think about - cleaning is one of my worst things as well, I have to force myself to do it, so that definitely going to be a chore.

      I'm currently on one called Wattpad which I love more for reading other people's work but I have posted a few things on there myself. Another one is an app you can get called Opuss, although it's more poetry based, again there are some great things that get put on there too! I'm sure I'll one day get there with the novel but I think it's something that I'll work on slowly... Maybe one day it'll be finished!

      Katie :)
