Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Music Crush #21

It's such a long time since I've written a music crush that it feels so weird to be picking out a favourite song once again - back to being indecisive!

It's December, so it goes without saying that I've chosen a Christmas song. 

Now everyone knows the classic Christmas songs and they're normally involving Mariah Carey, Wizzard, Michael Buble, etc. etc. etc. But, in an attempt not to be predictable, I haven't chosen one of those people and instead I've chosen a more modern, newer favourite.

Kelly Clarkson

~ ~ ~

Run Run Rudolph

Now I'm a hundred percent sure that this is a cover on her album Wrapped In Red because I've heard this song a million times in the movie Home Alone. I'm also a hundred percent sure that I have no idea who originally sang it and I'm too lazy to go and google it, but if it bothers you that much than you can always google it yourself (like I probably will at three 'o' clock in the morning when it's annoying me so much I can't sleep!).

Basically, there is two main reasons that I love this song.
One: It's a Christmas song.
Two: It's a Christmas song sang by Kelly Clarkson.

And they are the only reasons I have for loving it but I do!

Katie x

Who Are You Again?

Why hello there!
Who are you again, you ask?
I've been asking myself that same question lately!

I apologise profusely for my lack of existence on here in a loooooong time. I honestly just haven't felt like blogging for a long time. A lot has been happening in my personal life as well as uni kicking my ass - they weren't lying when they said third year was going to be a testing year! I also got a new job a few months ago, so juggling that and my uni work is proving to be... a little challenging to say the least.

It's nearly Christmas though! Woop woop!
And we all know I have a deep love for Christmas. I've been to the Nottingham Christmas Light Switch-On (again), and then of course I've been around the Winter Wonderland market here (obviously).                                

I also went to meet my bestest girl in Manchester so that we could catch-up whilst drinking mulled wine and touring the huge Christmas Market there - it was incredible (again, obviously).     

I officially finished all of my uni deadlines for this term on last Friday too, which means I've finished all my deadlines for this year! How freakin' crazy is that?! It does mean I could relax a little bit more though for my final week of uni before I go home and get all the baby cuddles and snuggles. Then again, a lot of said babies are getting older now and try to wriggle away when I finally catch them to steal a cuddle *insert my sad, pouty face*.

I guess I have a hell of a lot to catch you up on then, considering the last time I blogged was in June - I'm a bad person (and blogger), I know.

So what's there to tell you?

Well, I spent most of my summer working and going around lots of UK beaches with my grandparents in their caravan (I made a nearby beach be the specification to whichever campsite they looked at).

And of course I spent a hell of a lot of time with all my little ones. I took Daisy to Edinburgh for the day with my friend and we went to the zoo during my summer break as a late Christmas present/early birthday present for her. The week before we went and all of the day we went she was singing "We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo" which is apparently a nursery rhyme she sings in nursery now, or so she told me. Whatever the case, it was the frickin' cutest thing you've ever seen!

Talking of my little munchkins, it was three of their birthdays and two in the same week during summer and they had an adorable little, frozen-themed, joint birthday party, which I was chief photographer for because I am the queen of taking too many pictures...

I also took way too many pictures a few months ago when we all went away for a little camping holiday which provided a well-needed break from uni as well as smiles and cuddles from a huge amount of cuteness!

My mama and I had a lovely little break away for a week in Glasgow. It was so relaxing and we got to catch up with some old friends too whilst we were there. My mum even let me drag her around the shops for the day, and anyone who knows my mum will know that this is a BIG deal because she hates shopping. And when I say 'hate' I mean hates shopping. So thanks for grinning and bearing it for me, mama.

I moved into a house with some of my uni girls, and my room is the best and the homiest ever (once again, thanks mama Fi *mwah*). I have a picture wall in the form of wardrobe doors this year, just to mix it up a bit. 

I was also lucky enough to get to go and see Imagine Dragons whilst they were in Nottingham on tour and it was, without doubt, one of the best concerts I've ever been to (although I feel like I say that about all of the concerts I go to).

I'm struggling to think of anything else worth telling you now... I've been so lucky to do so many lovely things lately that I just can't think of them all at once. That always happens, I sit down to write, thinking I've got so much to say, then realise, actually, I have nothing. Nada. Zero. Noth-ing.

Oh well. I hope you've enjoyed this little catch-up and, who knows, maybe I won't leave it six months before I blog again. Then again, maybe I will. Guess you'll just have to watch and see!

Katie x

(If you haven't already, please read my last blog post, it's an important one about the suffering my little hometown is going through at the moment. Just click HERE).

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

My Hometown's Under Water

My little hometown of Carlisle is currently suffering. I'm sure a lot of people will have heard about the disastrous floods of the past few days all throughout the lake district and, unfortunately, my hometown was one of those affected.

It's sad to think of somewhere I love so much, and have spent the majority of my life, being underwater and so many people I know being evacuated from their now ruined homes.

I'm a very lucky person to be able to say that all of my family were safe from it and they're homes managed to stay unaffected but, for most, they're going to be without a home at Christmas time. 

It's truly devastating to watch unfold and I hope that everyone is staying safe and well.

What I want to shine a light on though is that amongst all the bad things that have been happening throughout the whole world lately, a community can still come together to look after each other in times of need.

One of the worst parts of the floods in Carlisle is the people who are left homeless and without their belongings, clothes, hot food, beds; they have nothing but each other. But the nicest thing to witness is the way everyone comes together to help those in need. Carlisle isn't a big place but hundreds of homes have been affected and more than twice as many people but everybody has opened up their homes for those in need as well as donating essentials for those who need them. I'm proud to say that my sister is one of the people who's been helping provide hot food for the people who are currently having to live in community centres because their homes aren't safe or are still flooded.

Many local construction companies, roofing companies, carpeting companies and plenty of others are all offering their help for free in trying to fix the damage in the homes of the people who are suffering with the floods. As well as local businesses (and major chains) donating food and essentials. The local football club and their players even expressed their concerns and have given up their days next week to help everyone move things in their home and make them more livable. None of these people have to do any of this but they do it anyway, because this is there home and their community and they support each other in good and bad times.

All the emergency services have rallied together with even the army coming to help people who were stranded in their homes unable to get out because of the flood water surrounding them. My mum even told me that she saw a rescue boat from Lincolnshire there helping people. People from all around the country are doing their best to help everyone and that is something that I love. Thank you to all of these people because without them, this could've been much worse for a lot of people.

There are so many bad things that are shown on the news in the world but what's rarely shown is the good that people do when they come together in difficult times.

I'm proud to say I'm from this little city that's going through such a heartbreaking ordeal.

Please make sure you keep everyone from around the country that's been affected by the floods at a time that's supposed to be so special in your thoughts. Also, if you're anywhere near Carlisle or the Lake District area, and you're able to help or donate blankets and essential supplies, etc. to those in need then please do. Everyone needs all of your love now.

Stay safe.

Katie x