Tuesday, 12 August 2014

5 Things to Do When You're Sick


I looked after Daisy on Sunday when she wasn't very well and it appears I now have her sickness bug - throwing up everywhere and all of that gross stuff (TMI, by the way...). Needless to say, my bed and I have been best friends today whilst the bathroom has just been interfering with our relationship.

I always struggle when I'm poorly because I hate feeling like I have no energy - something you know you're lacking when you don't even have the strength to turn the bath taps with your nimble toe skills, but you also can't be bothered to sit up and reach for them, so you just sit as the water gets colder and you look at it wishing you could just make it heat up by staring at it. Yep, you guessed right, this has happened to me today.

My lack of energy and inability to want to do anything means I always get bored and end up feeling sorry for myself, so here are 5 things to do when you're a poorly little thing (they might even help you feel a bit better!).


Watch lots of movies!

Snuggle up in your duvet, either in bed or on your sofa, and watch tons of feel-good movies. Personally, I always end up watching Mary Poppins because I lurvvv her! If you're not sure what to watch though, then HERE is a list of feel-good movies that I wrote a little while ago - there's some good uns', even if I do say so myself!



I'm soooo soppy when I'm ill, I just want constant hugs and baby-ing, so hugs are always a good thing when you're ill, they make you feel oodles better, too - you just have to find someone to hug who doesn't care that you're highly contagious...


Go outside.

A funny one to think of doing if you're not well but don't go far - obviously, you have no energy, remember! - you don't want to spread your germs either. Just go sit in your garden if it's nice weather, fresh air can never be a bad thing. Unfortunately, this isn't something I've been able to do thanks to the tail-end of Mrs Hurricane Bertha that's hit England; I don't fancy sitting in a torrential down-pour, thunder and wild gales.


Sleep... Lots.

Let's be honest, sleeping is never a bad thing but it's definitely not going to hurt when you're sick, sleep it all off, that's my advise for the day.


Take a lovely, long, luxurious bath.

Any excuse to have a bath - add a nice, smelly bath bomb too, if you can - light a few candles and just lie there and relax! 

Katie x

Monday, 11 August 2014

Music Crush #10


I can't believe we're at Music Crush #10 already! I've seriously just gone back through all the previous ones, sure I'd made a mistake and missed a few numbers out along the way! Apparently not though, apparently we really are at the tenth Music Crush!

I recently heard that Charlie Simpson (a former member of Busted, if you're not sure who he is) has brought out a new album; his second solo album. 

I've heard a few songs on it but haven't had the chance to get out and buy it yet so I haven't listened to all the songs to decide which is my favourite. It really made me want to listen to his previous album though, so I did!

This weeks Music Crush was easy for me... for once!

Charlie Simpson

Being all predictable on my song choice there by choosing his first single from that album but I seriously adore it. I love this one and Farmer and His Gun is probably a very close second favourite.

I can't even tell you what it is that gets me so much about this song. It's one of my most played songs on my iTunes (you can read my Top 25 HERE, if you're interested, if not... just don't click it!), I think it was sitting at #25 last time I looked but that's probably changed the amount I've listened to it this week!

Maybe it's all of the imagery that the lyrics provide me with and the metaphors... so English student-y of me, I know, what can I say, I have English analysis on my brain 24/7.

I love the opening lines:

Welcome to my cemetery gates
I lost your love and I buried it here

The idea of there being a cemetery for all your past loves and broken hearts is something even my over-imaginative brain had never thought of.

I think everyone will like something different about this song and have their own interpretation, the best way to figure out what you think about it is to listen to it! Aaaand, because I'm so nice, I've embedded a video so you can listen to it right here!

Katie x

Friday, 8 August 2014

6 Pamper Night Necessities!


I mentioned the other day that I'd spent the day with Megan and Sophie. Well, as well as going to the lovely little Old Hall Cafe (which I wrote all about HERE), they had some friends over and their mama had organised for us all to have a pamper night!

There are certain things that I think are essential to a pamper night, like:


Face Masks

Who doesn't love a good face mask, cleansing all those pores and whatever else it is they're supposed to do?! Personally, I think I just looked like I had poo spread all over my face but it felt amazing, it was self-heating too which, aside from being one of the weirdest sensations ever, made my face feel all lovely and relaxed!



Well, everyone needs to have pretty toes and fingers, a pamper night is the perfect place to fix those bare nails and chipped toe nail polish! I had Megan and Sophie do mine and I definitely have an interesting mix of colours on my toes...



Find the best and most hilarious, belly-aching movie you can find and put it on for you and all your friends to sit and crease up in laughing fits! (We ended up watching Princess Diaries - Megs and soph are only 8 and 9, so the movie had to be age appropriate, obvs! Plus, everyone loves Princess Diaries).



Let's just be honest for a moment, selfies are an -anywhere-any-occasion thing, okay? So why the hell wouldn't you take a ton of them on your pamper night when you all have face masks on and look like crazy people for painting your face with, what is essentially, mud?



Once again, sweeties are an anywhere-anytime-occasion thing in my opinion but you need extra sweet treats at a pamper night, because you're pampering yourself, so why not treat your tummy too?!


Hair Accessories

Not only do you need to sit and do each others hair making sure you all look fabulous but you need a few flower crowns too - duh.

Obviously those are just what I deem as 'essentials' and I've probably missed things off or put things on that you wouldn't have thought of but I'd love to know what you do on a pamper night - as you can tell, we had an awesome treat night!

Katie x

Thursday, 7 August 2014



How are you feeling today? A bit down? You just can't wait for the weekend to start, I totally get that.

There is only one remedy that can help you get to the weekend then (and through it, if you're working like me) and that's this:

A Dance Recess

Directions of Use:

Find the best, dance-y, up-beat, feel-good music you can - I suggest something like Jessie J's Sexy Lady or Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass (or if you're not that keen on Meghan's original, Emblem3's version is amazeballs).

Put it on as loud as you can (without annoying your neighbours, obviously), if neighbours are a problem, then that's easily fixed; get your headphones out and blast it as loud as you can... without blowing your brains out.

The next part is easy; you simply get into the groove and dance your heart out around your bedroom, living room, whole house if that's possible, and you do the craziest, and obviously the best, dance moves you can - you can dad-dance as much as you like!

You will instantly feel refreshed and have oodles of energy to get you to the weekend!

Take as many doses as necessary.

This post was inspired by Charlieissocoollike's video on YouTube, which is probably just as much of a hilarious pick-me-up as seeing yourself crazy dancing around your bedroom is! So if you're struggling to get the dosage of crazy dancing just right, I suggest you watch his video (below) and he will show you exactly how it's done!

Katie x

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Mid Week Pick-Me-Up #10


It took me four times to write the title to this post correctly, my fingers are just being more clumsy than normal today (this is basically me warning you about any strange,illegible words that might sprout up at any point in this post - it's my fingers fault, not mine!).

"Follow your heart but take your brain with you." - Alfred Adler

This quote is a clever one, if you ask me. It has life well and truly figured out.

I don't know about anyone else but, all the way through school, you're told to follow your heart and not listen to other people, just do what you want to. Although this is true to a certain extent, you can't just follow your heart and not think about what it is you're doing. For example, if your heart tells you you want to travel, that's great but you need to have your brain think about whether you can afford it or if it's practical.

I have a friend who has always wanted to go to one university. They didn't get into it the first year they applied, so they declined every other offer they had as well, then completely changed their life plan and what course they wanted to do, just so they could re-apply to the same university the next year. It was also the only university they applied to the second year but, again, they didn't get in. She was following her heart to the university and city she wanted to be in but wasn't thinking about the other options or the fact that she might not get in again.

I'm all for following your heart and dreams, I ended up in Nottingham because I followed my heart, but I made the mistake of not thinking about it properly. I didn't think about how far away it was from my home; how much I would miss my family; how difficult it would be to get home when I needed to. I'm not saying I wouldn't have ended up in Nottingham if I had thought about those things because I love it there but at least I would have realised what I was doing before I got there.

Your brain is more logical than your heart, but your heart is more truthful than your brain. Use both.

Katie x 

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Music Crush #9


Sorry about the lateness of this weeks Music Crush but I've had a lovely day out with the Big Little Ones and then a pamper night and somehow I only managed to get back an hour ago... I honestly don't know where the time went!

I've been really indecisive about what song to choose this week. I've been listening to 5 Seconds of Summer's debut album on loop for most of it but I feel like I'd be cheating making them my Music Crush because they got their chance to shine only a few weeks ago. Therefore, I was left with the task of trying to find another song I've been loving just as much. The next song that came to me was a one by The Script, but they were last weeks Music Crush!

 Then it came to me. This weeks Music Crush should be...



This is definitely not the kind of music I normally listen to but I'm in love with it!

I originally heard the beat to the song on an amazing rendition sang by a father who didn't want a certain man to marry his daughter - it's hilariously amazing - and I googled what the song it was originally based on was and found this one. 

I think it's just something about the laid-back tone to it that I love. It seems so chilled. The lead singer, Nasri, has a reggae sound to his voice, a bit Bob Marley-like to a certain extent, and it makes the song seem less about a serious topic and more about just being content.

So here is the original song by MAGIC! for you to listen to:

And if you fancy listening to a father's response to the song, which is one of the best things I've heard in a long time, then here you go!

Katie x

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Hair Problems


Hair dye. Yep, we’re going there.

I’m nineteen years old and I have never once dyed my hair, I think I deserve a massive pat on the back for that, it's quite the achievement in my opinion! Every single one of my friends has dyed their hair at least once, most several, and I have not once given into the peer pressure! I’ve been getting really bored of my hair lately, though and I want to do something different with it. 

I’m against cutting it all off because, one; I’ve been growing it for a hell of a long time to get it to the length it’s at, and two; I’ll only like my short hair for a few months, max, and then I’ll want long hair again – something that I can’t just grow back at the click of my fingers.

I’ve tried fringes, no fringes, side fringes, all fringes and, again, I like them for a few months then I get bored of them too.

Then the other night I had a dream in which my hair was an ombré of my natural, dark brown colour and a honey blonde at the ends and it has made me seriously think about doing it. My problem? I’m not brave enough.

My hair is the one thing I love, and always have loved, about myself; I love the colour, I love it’s style (most of the time), it’s not really difficult to manage like some people’s, my hair has always been pretty nice to me and I’m scared, no, terrified, of ruining it.
I don’t want to do something as extreme as dye my hair and not like it, then not be able to get it back to my original colour and healthiness. I over-think, I know.

I’m so indecisive too, I can’t ever make a decision - I struggle to decide what I want for dinner every night! Even if I’m sure of which choice I want, I won’t make the decision in case someone else doesn’t agree!

I also considered maybe just putting in a few, little mulberry/cranberry red streaks but, again, I’m not quite brave enough, although I think that wouldn’t be quite as drastic as going full on blonde at the tips of my hair… I think a dark red could easily be disguised to with my colour hair if I decided I didn't like it.

I don’t knowwwww… I probably won’t end up doing it but I’d like to think I might. I really do want to… We’ll see...

Katie x

Curious Dreams


Whilst I was at work today I was pondering on last nights dream, trying to figure out what the hell it means and I thought "you know what, this is something I need to blog about it", so here I am, blogging about my weird dreams. As you do.

Last nights was one of the strangest dreams I've had in a long time, where, basically, my brother was half giraffe.

Yep. Your eyes aren't deceiving you; that does say "half giraffe".

Just so you don't think I'm a complete nutter, I'll take this moment to point out that my brother is actually very tall - 6ft 6inches... maybe even 6ft 7, I can't remember. He's closer to the height of a giraffe than most people, anyway, but still, he's not quite at the 18 feet he'd need to be to compete with a giraffe, and he definitely doesn't have the neck or spindly legs that giraffes have. In my dream though, he had the extra long neck and it's an image that has scarred me for life! 

I have no idea where this dream came from, apart from the fact I have an epic love affair with giraffes... It's not the weirdest dream I've ever had (yup, there have been some a lot stranger) but it did freak me out when I woke up. Obviously there was a lot more to it than just my brother being a giraffe but I'm worried that some of you might already think I should be in a hospital for the mentally insane, I don't want you to think I'm in any more need of it than you already do!

I once dreamed my mama and I were trapped in this massive Hogwarts-style castle and we couldn't figure out how to escape - in the end, my mum was literally able to breathe fire in the dream and I could fly like Peter Pan (I wish), and that was how we escaped; like some kind of flying, fire-breathing dragon! I mean my mama sure can be a scary lady if you get on her bad side (I've learnt to stay well away from it!) but I wouldn't go as far as saying she's fire breathing - I know better ;).

I used to study psychology but I only did AS level (I don't know what that's equal to in any other country but I was 16/17 years old in that school year) and then I decided I'd rather continue with both English's and History for my second year of A-levels. As much as I loved my choice of subjects in my final year, part of me wishes I'd carried on with Psychology, just so I could psychoanalyse my dreams and find out what the hell is wrong with my brain - I bet I would find out some weird and wonderful things about myself. 

Anyway, before I make myself sound any weirder than I already have, I'm going to shut up and stop there!

Please tell me I'm not the only one who has freaky, weird dreams - I need your reassurance!

Katie x

(P.s. there is currently a spider crawling across my ceiling and I'm really trying not to freak out but it's not going so well!)

(P.p.s. As I was writing this I googled giraffes; did you know that hundreds of years ago they used to have antlers?! Also, their hearts weigh nearly 25 pounds - that's taking the saying "heavy heart" a bit too literally!)

Friday, 1 August 2014

A Winter Lover


I work in a takeaway, not the most glamorous of jobs but a job's a job and, as far as jobs go, it's not actually that bad. When I looked out of my window this morning though and saw pouring rain, I'm sure a did a little happy dance inside my head - it's too early and too soon after just waking up to be physically dancing - yet rain is never really something to get excited about in the UK (especially up north!) because we see a hell of a lot of it over a year. When you work in a takeaway, where there is constant heat everywhere, rain is a very welcome element!

In the UK lately, we've had really hot weather (it's a massive rarity!) and not to sound all British and constantly complain about weather but, it's too hot. Yep, that's right, I said it. It's too hot. I know there are other countries who have weather tons hotter than we've had at our height of summer but we're not equipped to deal with this kind of heat because we're just not used to it! Man, was I dying in all that humidity. I felt like the Wicked Witch of the West that melted to her death - I felt like I was slowly melting into a pool of sweatiness - lovely mental image for you there!

As you can probably tell, I'm not the biggest fan of the English "summer", which basically just consists of sweaty, humid air. I much prefer the winter.

If I'm cold, all I have to do is put another jumper on!

Talking of jumpers; jumpers! I love being able to put a soft, cosy jumper on and feel all lovely and warm.

I can drink hot chocolate and not feel like a numpty for drinking a hot drink whilst it's thirty-odd degrees celcius outside! Instead, I can just feel even cosier with all my jumpers on and a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream sitting in my hands.

I love ice hockey... a lot! And, of course, ice hockey is a winter sport. There is also an ice hockey team in Nottingham, the Nottingham Panthers, who are awesome and, as most of my winter is spent at uni, I get to see lots of ice hockey!

There are plenty more reasons why I prefer winter but I'm going to be late for work if I list them all, there are that many! I just think winter is a much cosier and, ironically, warmer-feeling season!

Katie x