Friday, 30 May 2014

Those Bad Habits


I've recently had the realisation that I have a really bad habit when it comes to writing blog posts... I always start writing them really late at night. For example, I'm currently writing this at twenty eight minutes past twelve... At night. As in midnight. 

I know I should be in bed right now. 
I know I should be trying to get some sleep. 
I know I have to get up early. 
I know I'm spending my day tomorrow with a two year old. 
I know that if I don't get enough sleep I'm not going to want to run around after a two year old. 
Yet here I am. 
Still writing. 
Still wide awake.

I think I need help.

Most of my best stories (in my opinion) have been written in the early hours of the morning. Strangely for some reason, I'm okay with this habit, to a certain extent. It's when it gets to four/five 'o' clock in the morning and I'm  still on a writing buzz. The problem is, I'm on that kind of writing high where sleep is far, far away from me and there's no chance it's coming back to me anytime soon.

The other problem I always have is, I always have more of an urge to write when I have no time to write... It's really inappropriate! I would say my mind needs to get its priorities straight but it has. Writing always comes first in my head, unfortunately my university work disagrees - it's an ongoing war in my head and the right thing doesn't always win out.

I really need to sort my writing habits out!

Katie x

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Story Time!


I thought I'd be brave today (just like yesterday's post, HERE, said I should be) and share a story with you that I wrote a little while ago in a creative writing workshop. It's only a very short one and we had to write it in both first and third person, so here is the third person version but I can always post the first person one later to give you a bit more insight, if you want! I have also expanded on the story since then, so there is a bit more to it now but this is the original, short version. Let me know what you think, I'm open to criticism too, just make it constructive, pretty please!

Bang, Bang.

The noise echoed through the tiny, corner shop, making it all the way to the small staff room at the back where Rose sat, staring into her steaming cup of coffee, her hands wrapped around it to absorb the heat. Her head slowly lifted up a minute after the loud bang, a frown spreading across her pale face. She sat for thirty or so seconds longer, staring at the door expectantly, but nothing happened. Resigned, she stood up and, slowly, headed for the door, the plimsolls on her feet dragging across the old, carpeted floor. She pulled the heavy fire door, the strain showing on her face from the weight of it, heaving out a big sigh as she let it swing shut, her cup of coffee still sitting half empty on the edge of the table where it was left.

She walked through the short hallway to the shop floor and stopped. She stood in the middle of the aisle staring at the visibly open cash desk. You could see the slight tremble in her hands as they hung, limply by her sides and the hairs at the nape of her neck were all stood up on edge, alert.

There was another resounding thud that resonated through the small shop, coming from behind where Rose was stood. Her eyes closed momentarily and her previously heavy breathes came to a halt. It was several minutes before she reopened her eyes again and gained her composure. Slowly, her body started to turn, her clumsy feet turning a second later. The movement stirred the resting dust bunnies, letting them mix and swirl in the air before finding somewhere new to hide; somewhere safer. As she stood staring at what had been behind her only a minute ago her breath got lost in her throat, caught on her terror. Less than a couple of centimetres away from her face was a gun, a calloused finger resting on the trigger.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

A Mid Week Pick-Me-Up


There are certain quotes and pieces of advice that I like to live by in life. I find a lot of them really help me pick myself up if I'm having a bit of a down day or if I'm struggling to put my mind into action on a day it's really not allowed to take a lazy day! So, I thought I would share one of them with you.

"Do one thing everyday that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt

I try my hardest to live by this, even if it's just the smallest thing that scares me, like going into the flat's kitchen when there are strangers in there. I know that sounds silly to some people but I'm really bad at being around people I don't know. I find it really awkward and it does scare me because I never know what to say, or do, or how to be around them and I get extremely anxious.

I don't even need to do something that scares me everyday, just once or twice a week I try and confront something and it will make me feel so much better for the rest of that day and probably even the next day and the day after that.

I'm not saying you should go skydiving or do a bungee jump, just try and do that small thing that scares you, whether it's driving in the rain, walking to a shop, being in a crowded room, anything. Just try it. Even if you don't manage it at least you can say "I tried my hardest to confront something I'm scared of today and I'm proud of myself for that", then try it again another day.

Katie x

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A Writing Genius?


Writing is something I love to do and always have. I always feel like I'm improving with every story I write, every book I read, every song I hear, everything helps me write but I used to wonder if I'd ever be amazing and be at the point of no getting better.

One of the biggest things I've learnt from studying a creative writing course is that this is never going to happen and I'm fine with that.

"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master", Ernest Hemingway definitely knew what he was talking about.

Everybody writes differently, reads differently and enjoys doing both of these things differently. If you think of your favourite author, chances are they're not mine and probably not your next door neighbours either and that's a good thing.

I read the stereotypical things like The Hunger Games, Divergent and Harry Potter but I know that not everyone enjoys these types of books - I will even admit that I didn't enjoy the Harry Potter novels as much as most people did when the books were first realeased - therefore, none of these authors can be seen as "masters", even if they write amazingly, because there is always room for improvement (in my opinion).

I like the idea of no one being a master of writing, it makes it something that anyone can do because there is no right or wrong answer, and there is no one ruling over everyone else. I also really like the fact that everyone can always improve on their writing because it means you're always working towards being a better writer, even if you're one of the best because you can't ever be the best.

Was that a bit rambly? Or does it just make no sense? It's something that I think about a lot but we all know nothing particularly sane happens in my head... Let me know!

Katie x

Monday, 26 May 2014

Rufford Park


Sorry for my absence over the past few days but it's that time of year where I have to pack up my room and move back home for the summer! I'm not sure whether this should be a good thing or a bad thing... I don't want to leave some of the amazing friends I've made this year but, at the same time, I'm super excited to see my family and friends!

Although most of my weekend has been spent packing up my room (I didn't realise, until now, just how much stuff I have managed to accumulate here!), I did take time out yesterday to go for a lovely, leisurely walk around Rufford Park, with a friend. 

It isn't the first time I've been to Rufford Park but yesterday was the first day I've been and it's actually been nice, relatively warm, weather and it was beautiful!

There were lots of cute little ducklings too! I love going to somewhere like Rufford Park at this time of year because you see nature at its best. I think everything is always so pretty at this time of year when the blossoms are blooming and there are fluffy ducklings swimming in little families around the lake, it makes the park look even more stunning than normal.

If you've never been to Rufford Park and you're in the Nottingham area you should definitely go. It's beautiful and there's a lot of history in its beauty too, which are very kindly explained on plaques spread around the park.

Katie x

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Glasgow Mini Shopping Haul!


I mentioned the other day, in THIS post, that I spent a few days in Glasgow last week when a friend and I went to see McBusted! Whilst we were there, we managed to fit in a little bit of shopping time, so I thought I would show you what I bought.

The majority of what I bought is from Forever 21 because we don't have one of them in Nottingham, or anywhere near my home town either as far as I know, so it was a bit of a novelty shop for us!

Everything from Forever 21 was from their plus size range because I'm a UK size 16, which is classed as a plus size in the US, I believe. That was my only problem with the shop; it was very limited for my size and I had to try and understand American dress sizes (I ended up googling it - hurrah for google!) but I did love the clothes in their plus size range. To a certain extent it was probably better than shopping in their 'normal' range because all the clothes were catered to the curvier person.

Forever 21+ - £16.75

The first thing I picked up was this striped dress. It caught my eye because of how the stripes change from vertical on the top, to horizontal on the bottom (I think I've get that the right way round). I also loved the zipper down the back of the dress because, although zippers can be awkward to do up when you're lonely (like me), I think they add that nice little detail and, in my opinion, just adding that zipper down the back makes it seem like a dress that I could adapt to any situation or event in a day/night.

(I'm going to add in a little collage at the end of me wearing the clothes I bought too, because I know a lot of things can look different when they're actually on a real-life, human being).

I also have some really pretty shoes that I've had for a while and haven't really got much that they go with and I think they would look super pretty with this and add that pop of colour because they're bright orange and I mean bright orange.

Forever 21+ - £18.75

The second thing I picked up was another dress! I must have been in a really summer-y mood thanks to the gorgeous weather because it is not like me to buy so many dresses - I'm more of a jeans and a tee kind of girl.

The colours in this really caught my attention. I only owned one dress from Forever 21 before I went on this mini, little shop and it has the similar kind of aztec theme going on and it's one of my favourite dresses. I'd been looking for something like this dress too, when it jumped out at me. It reminds me of a dress I saw in Primark that I really loved until I saw it had part of the back cut out and I'm not that confident to wear a dress with no back, so I saw this and thought it was a great alternative. 

Again, it has the little zipper down the front but you don't need to undo that to put it on or anything, it's simply for show. It's also got a tie round the waist which I really liked because it means you can have it as loose or as fitting as you want it.

Forever 21+ - £18.75

These lovely shorts were the final thing I bought from Forever 21 because I really, really, really loved the lace pattern on them. I love the whole lace trend that's going on at the minute and I have quite a few tops which have lace on the shoulders or just above the chest, etc. so I thought it' only right for me to own a pair of lace shorts too! 

I'm super picky when it comes to shorts; I don't like the 'booty' shorts that a lot of people seem to wear these days but I also don't like shorts that are too long and go to just above your knees and I find it quite difficult to find anything in the middle, but these are perfect for me - I love them!

McBusted Merchandise - £20

As I said, my friend and I were in Glasgow because we went to see McBusted and there was no way I was travelling all the way from Nottingham to Glasgow without coming back with the most awesome t-shirt that I now own! (If you can't go to a concert (although I'd highly recommend it) I think they have an online merch store if you wanted one of these t-shirts).

It has a picture of them doing their signature McBusted pyramid on the front and then, on the back, is a list of all their tour dates and where they were at, on what day. Definitely the best thing I bought whilst I was in Glasgow!

New Look - £3.99

This little flower-power headband was the last thing I bought. It was a bit of an impulse buy, I'd already had my little shopping spree in Forever 21 so I didn't plan on buying anything else but we went into New Look, where my friend bought a few things, and I saw it as we were in the queue to pay and I fell in love with it, so I grabbed it!

I just think it's a cute, spring/summer thing that will add that little something on a day you can't be bothered to do anything with your hair (which is most days for me). The flowers are also in my favourite colour so I was instantly drawn to it!

And that's it. That is everything I bought whilst I was in Glasgow! I hope you like it and it's maybe given you some spring/summer inspiration for your wardrobe!

Katie x

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The Best Kind of Day!


The weather has been soooo lovely in Nottingham today! What made it even better was that today was my first day of officially having nothing to do. At all. No revision, no exams, no work. Nothing.

So when I woke up this morning (it was probably closer to lunch time than morning, if I'm honest), I made an impulse decision to get ready and go into the city for the afternoon!

I had my bout of morning indecisiveness before I left, of course, not knowing what to wear. I'm not used to such nice weather! I thought about a dress but then decided on jeans and a loose camisole top, then nobody would be at risk of being blinded by extremely, ghostly pale legs... I don't tan well.

Anybody who knows the centre of Nottingham will know exactly where I was
sitting when I took this picture - any guesses? ;)

After getting the wrong bus into the city that didn't actually take me to the city - you would never think I'd been living here, and getting buses here, for seven months now - I had the loveliest of wanders around the city centre. It was nice to be able to just walk and not be caught among the rushing people and to see everybody enjoying the gorgeous weather too (although there were some people who made some... different... fashion choices but I love that, it added to the whole day!)

Starbucks have a happy hour from 3 - 5pm at the minute too, on all frappuccino's, so there's no guessing as to where I went for my refreshments ;) 

All in all, it made for a lovely day reading my book and sipping my chocolate cream frappuccino whilst enjoying the sun - best kind of day there is, if you ask me!

Katie x

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

When I Look Up...


Yes, it is two 'o' clock in the afternoon and, yes, I am in bed.

Best start to a blog post yet there. I feel I have a good enough excuse though that I'm allowed to be lazily lolling in bed for the rest of the day.

This morning I had my final exam of the year. And when I say 'this morning' I mean actual morning. As in I was up and in the shower before my alarm had even gone off. At seven AM I fell out of my bed (literally fell - what can I say, I like to start my mornings off with a bang... Ouch) and by eight I was ready and eating my weetabix! Unfortunately, I wasn't ready this early out of excitement, it was panic instead.

I'm one of those people who can sit and write an essay in the comfort of my own room no bother but when it comes to walking into that big exam hall, I panic. A lot. I have no reason to either because once I'm in there and the exam's started I wonder what the hell I was panicking about so much! Oh well, maybe one day I will realise how much useful energy I'm wasting in the hour I spend in a frenzy because I'm worrying about an exam. Then again, probably not.

I find there are three moments in an exam that I hate more than any others:

When I look up at the clock.
This can go either way, I can look up at the clock and panic because I've got less time left than I thought, or I can look up at the clock and panic because I have loads of time left and not enough to write. It's a lose-lose situation.

When I look up because I think I'm finished.
I know what you're saying: this doesn't sound like a problem if you're finished, Katie. But it is. Whenever I look up, thinking "thank god, I'm finished!" I look around and see that everybody else is still writing, so guess what I do? Yep, you got it, I panic. I go through everything I could have missed out because I must have missed something if everyone else is still writing. Most of the time I just sit and panic and forget to add anything extra to my answer...

When I look up and see an invigilator walking down the aisle.
I don't think I'm the only one that finds them scary as hell! Even though I know I've done nothing wrong, if I see an invigilator walking near me I automatically think "act normal, act normal" when I was acting normal in the first place!

Basically, what I've figured out here is, I just shouldn't look up in an exam!

Katie x

Monday, 19 May 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Not sure if this is of interest to anyone but I'm on Bloglovin, so you can keep up with everything I post, just click!

Katie x

Best Concert EVER!


I think I mentioned in THIS post that I was going to see McBusted last week. Well, I did and they were fantastic!

(Don't worry, I don't plan on writing about any spoilers or anything if you're planning on going - I'm just going to say how amazing it was!)

I had such an amazing time and it was, without doubt, the best concert I've ever been to! I just wish I wasn't a poor student and could afford to go again... And again... And again... You get how much I loved it, right?

Here's a few pictures that I took, I didn't take many but here they are!

Once the concert was over (*sad face*), my friend and I spent most of the next few days trying to figure out what it was that made it so much better than any other concert we'd been to. At first, we thought it was maybe because it was like reliving our childhood getting to see Busted again and we've always loved McFly anyway, but it seemed too amazing to just be that. Although it was amazing getting to see Busted on stage again (or two thirds of Busted). Dream. Come. True!

We also came up with the idea that it was because we were so close to the stage - I could see every feature on Tom's face, it was incredible. I think our great seats had a lot to do with it but they weren't the main reason for the concert being as great as it was. I'm sure if I'd been sat up at the back I would have had just as much of an awesome time.

I think the reason for it being the best concert I've ever been too was how funny they were. It was like being at a stand-up comedy gig at the same time! Just the way they were constantly laughing with (and at) each other made you laugh and the constant jokes they made, often at another band member's expense, changed a concert-music atmosphere into a hilarious-concert-that-we-didn't-want-to-leave atmosphere.

Also, this maybe isn't to everyone's taste but I enjoyed that they didn't hold back. By that I mean they were completely themselves on the stage and looked really at home. There were a lot of innuendos made and they didn't use the 'clean' versions of their songs and I personally loved that because it made it seem so much more real. I don't know of a single time where Busted ever held back when they were a band and it seems fitting that they don't now either. Obviously, a band like One Direction know they have a much higher percentage of younger followers and couldn't get away with that kind of thing, whereas, if you're going to see McBusted, chances are you're going to be over the age of 18, unless you've gone with a parent or sibling who once loved Busted because they only performed their old songs which most young people wouldn't know.

I can't wait for them to tour again, I'll definitely be making sure I grab tickets! In fact, it was that good, that I would even invest in OMFG! tickets next time, or whatever their VIP equivalent is in the future!

My friend and I also did a little shopping whilst we were in Glasgow so I might do a post on what I bought at some point because I found some lovely summer clothes on my venture! :)

Katie x 

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Headphone Problems


Today was one of those painful days where I had to part with money and invest in a new set of headphones (or earphones, whatever you call them!). 

I honestly feel like all I ever do is buy headphones. They seem to break within a month of me having them, and that's if I'm lucky!

I have two sets of headphones that I use regularly, ones that are just cheap from B & M, I think they cost £1.99 or somewhere along that line and I use them for listening to music when I'm going to sleep and the other pair are slightly more expensive, although not by much. The pair I just bought were £10.99 but I know that I'll have to buy new ones sooner than I think. It's sad. These ones are pink, too! I don't want them to break.

Welcome to the family... Please try and live
longer than your ancestors?

I have managed to combat the quick breakage of my headphones to a certain extent, though. I think they broke a lot because I would use them to listen to music when I was going to sleep and I'm a right wriggler in a single bed (give me a double bed and I'll stay completely still - go figure!), so I decided on the cheap pair for bed and I have to say it's worked to a certain extent. The headphones that I use during the day last closer to two months now! Wowee. I also have a pillow that has speakers in it and I can plug my iPod into it - sounds weird, I know, but it's amazing! I usually use that when I'm at uni but obviously when I'm travelling home it would be a little bit awkward to carry a pillow with me through the three, sometimes four, different train stations I have to change at.

I've tried every type of headphones possible, although never the super expensive ones. I'd be too frightened they would break, or if they came with a guarantee I'd probably end up losing them or breaking them in such a way that the guarantee wouldn't cover it - I find myself in those situations a lot. Every type I've tried though don't seem to last any longer than the last pair. The best ones I ever had were by Phillips or JVC, I cant' remember which. I also can't remember what the actual specifics of them were but they were a marshmallow-foamy-type thing and they lasted me a record three, nearly four, months! Then they were discontinued... Story. Of. My. Life.

I have really funny ears, too - I don't mean like funny looking ears (or at least I don't think so), I mean like only certain headphones will actually fit in them. For example, I have loads of the ones that Apple give you with their iPods, iPhones, etc. lying around but they don't fit in my ears properly. They just fall out or, if I manage to get them to stay in, they hurt. 

I'm sure I'm not the only person that has problem with headphones but it's definitely one of the difficult struggles of life - finding the perfect headphones! ;)

Katie x

Saturday, 17 May 2014

That Awkward Moment When...


I'm sure we've all had plenty of awkward moments throughout life that we really don't want anyone to know about, but I'm going to be brave and share five of those moments with you... Wish me luck!

Of course there's that thing that every child does at some point in school where they call their teacher "mum" (or dad). Don't try and deny it, we all did it! If you're anything like me though, you'll do it when everyone is silent and has no one else to listen to but you and (if it wasn't awkward enough already!) the teacher will just leave you hanging, because why would they answer someone shouting "mum" across the classroom when that's not their name? Definitely not the best moment for the quiet, shy girl.

Anybody who knows me will know just how clumsy I am; this doesn't bode well in public situations. I once fell flat on my face in the middle of town and all my friend did was stand and laugh at me, she's lovely... really! In true Katie-style, I got up, pretended nothing had happened and started walking, leaving my friend in hysterics to catch up to me. 

Or if you want a more recent example, my flat mates and I went out one night and the floor in the club was grossly sticky, there had been that much alcohol spilled all over it. I don't drink much when it comes to alcohol (no reason, I just don't really like it) but on this occasion, it had just been my birthday, so a friend offered to buy me a drink and I said yes. I was walking with him to the bar when my feet suddenly stopped moving, unfortunately my body didn't get the message quick enough. Yes. You got it. I face planted a very sticky floor in the middle of a lot of drunk feet. It was a painful moment, for my body and my dignity. Needless to say I definitely needed that drink afterwards. Once again, my friend laughed at me, he did help me up at the same time though, so I'll forgive him. The only good thing about that moment was that everyone was so drunk, very few people remember it - thank goodness!

When I think about it, I've actually had waaay too many awkward moments in nightclubs!

Another was one of the first times I ever went out after I turned eighteen. It was a student night so they were being particularly thorough about checking I.D.'s and, of course, I would get stuck behind the guy trying to use a fake I.D., so by the time it was my turn I had it out, ready, along with the entry fee. Here's the awkward part: it was just a young guy checking them, probably not much older than eighteen/nineteen, so when he turned to me, and I had mine ready, he said "I like a girl that's prepared." cringe! I turned a very unflattering, beetroot, shade of red and quickly tried to get away as soon as I could. Awkward.

The last situation was one I only witnessed, thank goodness! I don't think I would've coped well if it had been my awkward moment! My friend decided she wanted a cocktail so when the barman eventually came and asked her what she wanted, she innocently replied "Sex On the Beach" - I'm sure you know what's coming. She'd already had quite a bit to drink so she wasn't really thinking about what she was saying before she said it. The barman had a cheeky grin on his face and turned to her and said "anytime, love". It wasn't until then that she realised exactly what she'd said. Of course she tried to backtrack but all she really did was make it worse, whilst I stood there trying, and failing, to contain my laughter!

I have a feeling that those moments will no doubt end up being repeated in my future, too!

Katie x

Thursday, 15 May 2014

The Real University


Before I came to university, I had an image of exactly how it was going to be in my head and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. 

The image that was created in my head made it the best place that ever existed - you were going to move into a flat with a load of random strangers who knew absolutely nothing about you which, to me, was perfect. I could try and shed the 'shy girl' image I had obtained from sitting at the back of classes, staying silent and just getting on with my work. We were all going to get on perfectly (how I created that image, I have no idea) and watch loads of movies - I was even willing to go out to parties more often. Lectures and seminars were all going to be super interesting. Living away from home was going to be easy as pie and everything was going to be perfect. That's the image that is fed to you when ever university is talked about in high school, I think.

Well, I'm calling bullsh*t on that. 

University is nothing like that. 

Images (and people) don't change that easily. I was branded as a shy girl throughout school because I was and I am. I'm getting better in my old age, but I'm still not the kind of person who can go and talk to a complete random stranger just because I feel like it.

If you take anything from this, I want this to be it: the chances of eight people (or however many are in your flat), who have never met before, all getting on perfectly are so slim they may as well not exist. Including myself, there are eight people in my flat. From that, one of them is a complete d*ck who likes to slam doors at three 'o' clock in the morning. Another has already moved home and is commuting. One girl is super lovely... When she actually leaves her room. There's a girl who thinks way too much of herself and suddenly stops talking to people for no apparent reason. Someone who is constantly talking on the phone (at all times of the day and night). Another who is actually pretty awesome, as long as she's not around the previously mentioned self-absorbed one. The final is probably my favourite person in the flat, and I definitely get on with him best, most probably because he doesn't care about anyone else in the flat - it's refreshing to talk to someone who doesn't want to bitch about everyone else! Basically, if you get on with just half of your flat, you're doing good.

If you don't want to go out, don't. That's the biggest lesson I've learnt - don't do something just because you think it'll please everyone, do it because it will please you (woah, deep).

Let's be honest, lectures and seminars were never all going to be interesting. That was just wishful thinking. You do get a surprise every now and then though, so you should probably still go to them all.

Moving away from your home and family is not as easy as it sounds. Even more so if you do what I did and move four hours away from home. Why did you do that, I hear you ask? I have no flippin' idea! 'I thought it was a beautiful place' doesn't seem like it's going to cut it when you could just really do with a hug. Also, food shopping is expensive! Make the most of when your parents come to visit - if there was ever a time to exploit your parents, it's when you're at university. Stock up on cheese when they visit; it's more expensive than it looks. You may think you love to cook, I do, but when you have to do it every single day, and wash all the dishes up after, you'll yearn for the day when you had your mum there to cook you something when you can't be bothered.

So yeah, university is not all it's cracked up to be.

Small disclaimer here: Don't mistake this post for me saying university is a waste of time, because it's not. I love university and I have met some amazing people here, who I know will be friends for life, and I love my course. I'm just saying that the image everyone has of it, isn't necessarily true for everyone. I still wouldn't change anything. I'd still go to university and, although I'd like to think I might choose one closer to home, I'd most likely still choose Nottingham.

Katie x

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Like Mother, Like Daughter


As you read this, I am on a train home! Yay! The reason I'm going home is way more exciting though - I'm meeting my friend and then tomorrow (Thursday) we are travelling to Glasgow to go and see McBusted! I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it (if you're singing along too then you're awesome)!

I was in the middle of packing my case and bag today when I had the strange notion that I had turned into my mum. Not my weirdest thought of the day either, I promise you. The way I was folding everything up and organising it into separate little piles just reminded me so much of watching my mum pack. She's a master packer; she knows where she wants things and how she wants them and they will be that way or there will be hell. Trust me. So it scares me a little to think I might become that strict just with a bit of packing.

It made me think, is there a certain way to pack things? My mum has her way and, apparently, I've adopted her way, but does it matter how you do it?

I remember when I used to literally just throw everything into the case and that was me done (whenever I got to wherever we were going though, I'd open my case and find everything was neatly folded and organised, and things I hadn't thought of packing were packed - thanks mama).

Although that was easier at the time, it wasn't when I couldn't fit everything I needed into my case because I hadn't folded things neatly. I've learnt my lesson though, I promise. Now I much more prefer the organised way of packing, if for no other reason than I'm an over-packer so it means I can fit more in!

My neat, little piles before I put them in the case. So cute!
Everything that needs to go in my carry-on bag - told you I over-pack.
And finally, it's all packed away.
I love that black, River Island bag; it's like a Mary Poppins bag!
I fit everything from the second picture into that one bag!

Katie x

Outfit Issues


Do you ever have those days where you're trying to choose what to wear in the morning and, when you look in the mirror, you just feel completely deflated? I'm having one of those days.

I'm a bit of a creature of habit in what I wear, usually skinny jeans and a jumper/nice t-shirt or if it's a particularly nice day which, let's be honest, rarely happen in the U.K., I'll wear a dress and leggings and those are the things I'm generally most comfortable in. But not even those are sitting right with me today.

I'm not a 'small' or slim person by any means but I know what suits my curvier figure and what doesn't. Today is one of those days of feeling like nothing suits me. I've tried on three tops so far and each time I've: looked in the mirror, walked away, and taken the top off.

I think today is just a day of no body confidence and I'm sure I'm not the only person who ever has these problems, chances are half the people I walk past today have thought the same things this morning. It's just sometimes it can cast a bit of a cloud over your whole day.

I always believe that if you're morning starts off well and you can put an outfit on that you really like, it sets you up for the rest of the day because you feel better about yourself, so you're in a better mood.

I know that the t-shirts I tried on today, I can try on again tomorrow and, chances are, I'll think they look great. 

As for today's outfit problems, there's a simple solution: Pajama day!

Katie x

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Review: The Divergent Trilogy


If the fact that I'm studying a whole lot of English at university doesn't tell you that I love to read, then here's me telling you: I love to read.

This means that I have a massive bundle of books that I'm dying to tell people about and I can't wait to share them with you!

The first book review is going to the amazing trilogy that is Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant, by Veronica Roth. 

Get ready to fall in love, and I don't just mean with Four.

Chances are, you will have at least heard of Divergent, if not the rest of the series, because it was recently in cinemas worldwide and, from what I've heard, the movie was a massive hit. Theo James was exactly how I imagined Four, so ten million points to the casting peoples for getting him.

For those of you who haven't heard of the series, or don't know what it's about, first of all, where have you been?! Secondly, it's a story set in a dystopian world where there are five factions: 
Abnegation (the selfless), 
Dauntless (the brave),
Candor (the honest), 
Amity (the peaceful), 
and Erudite (the intelligent). 

Every year, a choosing ceremony takes place where all sixteen year-old's must choose which faction they want to be a part of. However, before this, they have undergone an aptitude test that tells them which faction they are best-suited to.

It tells the story of how Tris, the main character, leaves Abnegation and joins Dauntless, leaving her family behind. Here she meets Four, her instructor during the difficult initiation process and they instantly have a connection. However, when she learns something dangerous about herself, something she has been told to keep hidden, she realises that something bigger is happening within the factions and that she might be able to do something about it.

I don't think I can even explain to you how much I absolutely adore Divergent. It's amazing. It's written beautifully for a start but it's just so easy to get into, it flows so well, and you quickly become attached to characters (although you'll later learn your lesson for doing that). I love the dystopian, futuristic world too, it's so different from anything you would think of in life yet it completely absorbs you into their way of thinking.

I also love the strength that Tris's character has, she's self-reliant and doesn't need anyone else to fight her battles for her but I think it's great that Veronica Roth made her character so selfless and brave, too.

I don't think I need to say much about Four. If you read the book, you will know exactly how much I love him and why, because you will too. He comes across as a really masculine and mysterious character however, as the book, and the whole series, goes on, you slowly start to find out who he is and how much depth there is to his character, you start to see the softness inside him that just makes my heart melt. As a little side-note, I believe there are more short stories, being released on Kindle, from Four's point of view, for us Four addicts - Eeeek! 

I think the subtlety of the relationship between Tris and Four was done perfectly. It wasn't the main focus of the book and it didn't take away from, or take over, the story line. The gradual build-up to their relationship worked perfectly as a break from the action going on throughout the book.

I don't really want to say much about the second and third books because I feel you wouldn't necessarily understand what I was talking about if you hadn't read the first but they were both amazing too (obviously). 

I whizzed through the series in just one weekend, and they're not particularly short books either, but I just couldn't put them down. So make sure you have nothing planned when you start reading these because you won't want to stop!

Five out of five stars from me, I love these books soooo much! 

Go read them, I promise you won't regret it!

Katie x

Monday, 12 May 2014

Avoiding the Important Things


I have been going to start this blog for weeks now but I kept putting it off, knowing that I had way too many other things that I should probably be focusing on instead, like the many essays and portfolios that needed to be completed. They're done now and I only have my exam to focus on, so I figured why not get this beautiful little world opened up! 

Yes, I should be revising right now but everyone needs to take a break at some point and what better way to take a break than to start a blog... Okay, yeah, that's just an excuse to avoid my revision, you're right. Let's move on... 

A little something about me:

That's me!

Well, I'm a student in my first year of university.
I study English and Creative Writing.
I love to write. A lot. (Hence why blogging is perfect for me).
I over-think everything. It's my worst habit, by far.
I guess with over-thinking comes procrastination; I'm queen of that.
I'm not much of a party-goer - sorry to let down the rest of the university population.
Chocolate, I love you.
And, I love, love, love to read.

A hint at what's to come:

This isn't going to be a very subject-specific blog, like a lifestyle or beauty blog (sorry!).
It's probably going to be the most random place you'll come across.
I should have called this blog "Welcome to My Brain" or "Random Blog"... Then again, what's more random than Pink Daisies?
There will be all sorts appear on here - little bits of everything that interest me;
Book recommendations,
Beauty loves,
Fashion faves,
Life-y bits (expect lots of cute babies; there are a lot in my family!),
Maybe even little snippets of stories I've written, in the future!
Think of anything and it will no doubt turn up on here at some point!

I hope I haven't managed to bore you already!

Katie x