Tuesday, 20 May 2014

When I Look Up...


Yes, it is two 'o' clock in the afternoon and, yes, I am in bed.

Best start to a blog post yet there. I feel I have a good enough excuse though that I'm allowed to be lazily lolling in bed for the rest of the day.

This morning I had my final exam of the year. And when I say 'this morning' I mean actual morning. As in I was up and in the shower before my alarm had even gone off. At seven AM I fell out of my bed (literally fell - what can I say, I like to start my mornings off with a bang... Ouch) and by eight I was ready and eating my weetabix! Unfortunately, I wasn't ready this early out of excitement, it was panic instead.

I'm one of those people who can sit and write an essay in the comfort of my own room no bother but when it comes to walking into that big exam hall, I panic. A lot. I have no reason to either because once I'm in there and the exam's started I wonder what the hell I was panicking about so much! Oh well, maybe one day I will realise how much useful energy I'm wasting in the hour I spend in a frenzy because I'm worrying about an exam. Then again, probably not.

I find there are three moments in an exam that I hate more than any others:

When I look up at the clock.
This can go either way, I can look up at the clock and panic because I've got less time left than I thought, or I can look up at the clock and panic because I have loads of time left and not enough to write. It's a lose-lose situation.

When I look up because I think I'm finished.
I know what you're saying: this doesn't sound like a problem if you're finished, Katie. But it is. Whenever I look up, thinking "thank god, I'm finished!" I look around and see that everybody else is still writing, so guess what I do? Yep, you got it, I panic. I go through everything I could have missed out because I must have missed something if everyone else is still writing. Most of the time I just sit and panic and forget to add anything extra to my answer...

When I look up and see an invigilator walking down the aisle.
I don't think I'm the only one that finds them scary as hell! Even though I know I've done nothing wrong, if I see an invigilator walking near me I automatically think "act normal, act normal" when I was acting normal in the first place!

Basically, what I've figured out here is, I just shouldn't look up in an exam!

Katie x

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