Monday, 12 May 2014

Avoiding the Important Things


I have been going to start this blog for weeks now but I kept putting it off, knowing that I had way too many other things that I should probably be focusing on instead, like the many essays and portfolios that needed to be completed. They're done now and I only have my exam to focus on, so I figured why not get this beautiful little world opened up! 

Yes, I should be revising right now but everyone needs to take a break at some point and what better way to take a break than to start a blog... Okay, yeah, that's just an excuse to avoid my revision, you're right. Let's move on... 

A little something about me:

That's me!

Well, I'm a student in my first year of university.
I study English and Creative Writing.
I love to write. A lot. (Hence why blogging is perfect for me).
I over-think everything. It's my worst habit, by far.
I guess with over-thinking comes procrastination; I'm queen of that.
I'm not much of a party-goer - sorry to let down the rest of the university population.
Chocolate, I love you.
And, I love, love, love to read.

A hint at what's to come:

This isn't going to be a very subject-specific blog, like a lifestyle or beauty blog (sorry!).
It's probably going to be the most random place you'll come across.
I should have called this blog "Welcome to My Brain" or "Random Blog"... Then again, what's more random than Pink Daisies?
There will be all sorts appear on here - little bits of everything that interest me;
Book recommendations,
Beauty loves,
Fashion faves,
Life-y bits (expect lots of cute babies; there are a lot in my family!),
Maybe even little snippets of stories I've written, in the future!
Think of anything and it will no doubt turn up on here at some point!

I hope I haven't managed to bore you already!

Katie x

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