Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Like Mother, Like Daughter


As you read this, I am on a train home! Yay! The reason I'm going home is way more exciting though - I'm meeting my friend and then tomorrow (Thursday) we are travelling to Glasgow to go and see McBusted! I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it (if you're singing along too then you're awesome)!

I was in the middle of packing my case and bag today when I had the strange notion that I had turned into my mum. Not my weirdest thought of the day either, I promise you. The way I was folding everything up and organising it into separate little piles just reminded me so much of watching my mum pack. She's a master packer; she knows where she wants things and how she wants them and they will be that way or there will be hell. Trust me. So it scares me a little to think I might become that strict just with a bit of packing.

It made me think, is there a certain way to pack things? My mum has her way and, apparently, I've adopted her way, but does it matter how you do it?

I remember when I used to literally just throw everything into the case and that was me done (whenever I got to wherever we were going though, I'd open my case and find everything was neatly folded and organised, and things I hadn't thought of packing were packed - thanks mama).

Although that was easier at the time, it wasn't when I couldn't fit everything I needed into my case because I hadn't folded things neatly. I've learnt my lesson though, I promise. Now I much more prefer the organised way of packing, if for no other reason than I'm an over-packer so it means I can fit more in!

My neat, little piles before I put them in the case. So cute!
Everything that needs to go in my carry-on bag - told you I over-pack.
And finally, it's all packed away.
I love that black, River Island bag; it's like a Mary Poppins bag!
I fit everything from the second picture into that one bag!

Katie x

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