Wednesday, 28 May 2014

A Mid Week Pick-Me-Up


There are certain quotes and pieces of advice that I like to live by in life. I find a lot of them really help me pick myself up if I'm having a bit of a down day or if I'm struggling to put my mind into action on a day it's really not allowed to take a lazy day! So, I thought I would share one of them with you.

"Do one thing everyday that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt

I try my hardest to live by this, even if it's just the smallest thing that scares me, like going into the flat's kitchen when there are strangers in there. I know that sounds silly to some people but I'm really bad at being around people I don't know. I find it really awkward and it does scare me because I never know what to say, or do, or how to be around them and I get extremely anxious.

I don't even need to do something that scares me everyday, just once or twice a week I try and confront something and it will make me feel so much better for the rest of that day and probably even the next day and the day after that.

I'm not saying you should go skydiving or do a bungee jump, just try and do that small thing that scares you, whether it's driving in the rain, walking to a shop, being in a crowded room, anything. Just try it. Even if you don't manage it at least you can say "I tried my hardest to confront something I'm scared of today and I'm proud of myself for that", then try it again another day.

Katie x

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