Tuesday 8 July 2014

An Ode to a Book


I'm sure a lot of you know, and can even just see by looking at this blog, that I love to read.

Well, I read a lot of books whilst I was on holiday but right now I'm on an unfortunate book ban seen as I have a lot to read for my uni course - it sucks. Shakespeare, I hate you... No offence.

However, when I implemented the book ban on myself, I said I wasn't to buy anymore books, nothing was said about re-reading...

So, to get around my self-imposed book ban, I decided to re-read some of my favourite books and it has made me realise how much I truly love one book in particular.

Samantha Young is the author who has provided us with the beautifully wonderful book that is On Dublin Street. So you can consider this blog post either a mini-review or my declaration of my undying love for this book. It's up to you. Although it's probably more the latter.

The story follows Jocelyn (a.k.a. Joss), a girl who has just graduated from university in Edinburgh and is looking for a new apartment to live in. However, she's originally from Virginia but when her parents died in a tragic car crash and she was left an orphan she made the decision to leave after high school and head to the University of Edinburgh.

She falls in love with a luxury flat as well as it's one existing occupant, Ellie Carmichael, unknowingly at that point that she has also met and lusted after Ellie's brother, Braden, too. 

Braden has a well-known reputation of being a womaniser as well as a wealthy businessman in Scotland but this doesn't stop the undeniable chemistry that Joss and Braden share from making an impact on their relationship, but both of them are unwilling to commit to anything serious.

Although we get to know most things about Joss's past from the beginning, she keeps her pain from her friends, and now Ellie and Braden too, something Ellie especially doesn't understand due to her open, chatterbox nature but it's easy to see that Joss's character is used to fending for herself, not being open. 

So there are the basics! I could recite ever moment of this book, easily, but I don't want to ruin it for you, so it's just a quick synopsis type thing!

It's no surprise that I'm in love with Braden. Obviously. I'd worry if I wasn't. He comes across as the sultry, sexy businessman with an epic sense of humour but his character develops into a lot more than that as his friendship with Joss unfolds. We find out about his past, his family and why he values his relationship with his sister so much. To a certain extent, I have to admit, the business side of him strikes me as very Christian Grey-esque but better... A lot better. And a lot sexier. Braden's one of those dream characters who you literally end up dreaming about. Fifty Shades was not a book I massively enjoyed though, and I certainly didn't dream about Christian, so don't let that one similarity put you off!

Joss's character is what draws me to love this book so much. The suffering she had to endure at such a young age made her shut people out because she thought that if she loved and cared for people it not only made her weak but it would lead to them getting hurt. As the story develops, we see her character slowly grow in strength and become more confident with her feelings and her insecurities.

A part of this is definitely because of her new flatmate, Ellie. Ellie is one of those characters who you can't help but fall in love with and just want to swaddle in cuddles; she's so sweet and kind that it makes you want to be like her, even if she is a fictional character! She's so open that living with someone as closed as Joss is difficult for her at first but their friendship blossoms and, as it does, so does Joss's confidence to trust people and open up more - it brings a tear to my eye!

One of my favourite quotes is from Ellie's character and seen as it's one of the few that can't be classed as a spoiler, I'm going to share it with you:

""Did you just call me a numpty?"
"Yup. A delusional one."
"What, may I ask, is a numpty?"
"A person demonstrating a lack of knowledge of a situation; a silly person; an idiot; a dumbass. A delusional numpty: Joss Butler's stupid, idiotic, blind misconception of the true nature of her relationship with my brother, Braden Carmichael.""

I don't know why I love that quote so much, I just do. Maybe it's the humour in the idea that, in Scotland/England/UK in general, a numpty is a concept most people know. The best English teacher I ever had had an extreme love for the word, too, so maybe that's why! It's at this point that you remember Joss hasn't loved in Scotland all of her life - it's like a little reminder.

Of course there are the general struggles on the way but it's the twist about three-quarters of the way through that you don't expect that makes it so different. Most books have some kind of 'shocking' (supposedly) twist near the end that's supposed to make you think it's not going to work out anymore but in On Dublin Street it really is an unexpected but expected one at the same time... if that makes sense. If you're observant enough, you'll spot the signs leading up to it but it has effects that you didn't realise it would and, if you're anything like me, it will have you rocking on the edge of your bed...

It's so well written, the characters are so lovable and, for anybody who lives near Scotland or even just in the UK maybe, the setting in this book will seem so familiar to you, it will feel like you're there. 

I only live about two hours away from Edinburgh and there is not a single detail in this book that isn't true when she's talking about the streets of Edinburgh and the castle and all of the lovely fine points about the place - it makes me want to go back there so bad! I've seen quite a lot of reviews where people have complained that the book could probably be set anywhere, Young just says it's Edinburgh, but anyone who knows Edinburgh will know there is only one place this book could have been set and it's already there.

For those of us who fall in love with books and characters so easily, Samantha Young has kindly provided us with a series which follow different characters from the book whilst still letting you know how your favourites from the previous book are getting on! It's perfect!

This is in my top five favourite books... maybe even my top three, actually! I feel this book deserves all the love and more. A million out of five stars, easily (yes, that is possible)!

If you're looking for a book to read then this is definitely it... unless you're not into the kind of YA fiction genre, although I still think you should give it a go because I think there's something for everyone in this book.

Happy reading!

Katie x

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